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Family-Owned in the Greater Toronto Area for Over 12 Years

DVR Roofing is a family-owned roofing company that was founded by two highly motivated, dedicated friends with over 30 years of combined roof experience. Serving residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional customers in the Greater Toronto Area for over 12 years, we always strive for quality over quantity here. Whether you need a new roof installation or a roof repair, all projects are completed by our experienced, professional in-house crews and we’re proud to stand behind our workmanship with some of the best warranties available in the industry.

roof installation

Fully Insured and Licensed for Your Protection

DVR Roofing is a fully insured, licensed, full-service roof and exterior home improvement company based in Ontario and serves the Greater Toronto Area. As local roof experts, we’re experienced with many types of roofs, including flat, cedar, shingle, and slate. We provide honest on-site roof inspections and evaluations so that we can always provide a true estimate for your roof needs without ever trying to upsell you. Our highest reward is your recommendation for our roof services to your neighbours and friends. We depend on that, and we figure it must be well-deserved. Our customers also enjoy quick response times, which is especially beneficial if you need emergency roof repairs in Southern Ontario.

A Leader in the Greater Toronto Area Roof Industry

As a leader in the Greater Toronto Area roof industry, we handle any size project, stay on schedule, and always deliver on our promises because customer satisfaction is our main priority. You can rest assured that your lawn, flowers, plants, walkways, driveways, and other important aspects of your home will be protected during construction. And we always thoroughly clean up your property after completion of your roof project, leaving no extra work or worries behind for you to deal with after we’re gone. Call us today to request a free estimate on your next roof project in the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding communities in Southern Ontario. We look forward to helping you!

DVR Roofing

Serving the Greater Toronto Metropolitan Area:

North York
Richmond Hill

Family Operated with Over 30 Years of Combined Experienced