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When it comes to installing a metal roof, where you place the screws is as important as the roof itself. If you’re in Newmarket, Toronto, or Mississauga, you’ve probably noticed the rise in metal roofing popularity. It’s not just about aesthetics—metal roofs are durable, energy-efficient, and can withstand the harsh Canadian weather. But to truly maximize these benefits, knowing the right place to put screws in a metal roof is crucial. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a homeowner planning a roofing project, understanding where to put screws in a metal roof will ensure your roof remains secure and leak-free for years to come. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details of where to put screws in a metal roof.

The Importance of Proper Screw Placement

Before we get into the specific details, let’s talk about why proper screw placement matters. A metal roof is designed to expand and contract with temperature changes. Incorrect screw placement can hinder this natural movement, leading to leaks, roof damage, and even structural issues over time. By placing screws correctly, you allow the roof to perform as intended, extending its lifespan and saving you from costly repairs down the road.

Choosing the Right Screws for Metal Roofing

Not all screws are created equal, especially when it comes to metal roofing. For a solid installation, you need screws that are designed specifically for metal roofs. These screws come with a rubber washer that seals the hole to prevent water from seeping in. The most common screws used in metal roofing are self-drilling screws, which are perfect for cutting through both the metal panels and the underlying wood or metal framework. When purchasing screws, make sure they are corrosion-resistant, especially if you live in an area with high humidity or salt exposure. Stainless steel or galvanized screws are excellent choices for Newmarket, Toronto, and Mississauga climates.

Where Exactly Should You Place the Screws?

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter: where should you place screws on a metal roof? The key to successful screw placement lies in following the roofing panel’s ridges and valleys.

On the Flats vs. Ridges Debate

One of the most common questions is whether screws should be placed on the flats (the lower parts of the panel) or on the ridges (the raised parts). Traditionally, screws are placed on the flats. This is because the flat surface provides a more stable area for the screw to hold onto, reducing the risk of the screw pulling out over time.

However, there is a growing trend of placing screws on the ridges. This method reduces the chance of water pooling around the screw, which can lead to leaks. If you opt for ridge placement, you’ll want to ensure the screws are tight enough to compress the rubber washer without over-tightening, which could damage the washer and reduce its effectiveness.

Edge and Eave Placement

When installing metal roofing, special attention must be given to the edges and eaves. These are the areas most exposed to wind uplift, and improper screw placement can lead to panels being lifted off during a storm. Screws should be placed along the edges and eaves, following the panel manufacturer’s guidelines for spacing. Typically, screws are placed every 6 to 12 inches along these areas.

Spacing Between Screws

The spacing between screws is another critical factor. Screws should generally be spaced 12 to 18 inches apart on the flat sections of the panel, depending on the type of panel and the wind load requirements in your area. In Newmarket, Toronto, and Mississauga, where winters can be harsh and winds strong, closer spacing may be necessary to ensure your roof stays secure.

Screws on Overlaps

Overlaps are where two panels meet and overlap each other. These are potential weak points in your roofing system, so proper screw placement is vital. Screws should be placed on both sides of the overlap, following the same spacing as the rest of the roof. This ensures the panels are securely fastened and minimizes the risk of leaks.

Screws on Flashing

Flashing is used around roof penetrations such as vents, chimneys, and skylights. These areas are highly susceptible to leaks, so it’s essential to place screws correctly. Screws should be placed around the perimeter of the flashing, with spacing based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Always ensure that the screws penetrate through both the flashing and the underlying roof panel.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to make mistakes when placing screws on a metal roof. Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Over-tightening screws: This can compress the rubber washer too much, leading to premature failure. The washer should be snug but not squished.
  • Under-tightening screws: If the screw isn’t tight enough, the washer won’t create a proper seal, allowing water to seep in.
  • Misaligned screws: Make sure all screws are aligned in straight rows. This isn’t just for aesthetics—misaligned screws can create uneven stress on the panels, leading to potential problems.
  • Ignoring manufacturer guidelines: Every metal roofing system is different, so always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for screw placement, spacing, and type.

Tips for a Successful Metal Roof Installation

Now that you know where to place screws, here are a few additional tips to ensure your metal roof installation goes smoothly:

Plan Your Layout

Before you start screwing panels into place, take the time to plan your layout. Measure and mark where each screw will go to ensure consistent spacing and alignment. This will save you time and headaches during installation.

Use the Right Tools

Using the correct tools is essential for a successful installation. A screw gun with adjustable torque settings is ideal, as it allows you to control how tightly the screws are driven. Make sure the screw gun’s bit matches the screw head to avoid stripping.

Work with a Partner

Metal roofing panels can be large and unwieldy, making them difficult to handle alone. Working with a partner can make the installation process faster and safer. One person can hold the panel in place while the other secures it with screws.

Double-Check Your Work

As you install each panel, take the time to double-check your work. Make sure all screws are properly placed, tightened, and aligned. It’s easier to fix mistakes as you go than to try and correct them after the entire roof is installed.

Consider Hiring a Professional

While installing a metal roof can be a rewarding DIY project, it’s not for everyone. If you’re unsure about any aspect of the installation, consider hiring a professional roofing contractor. In Newmarket, Toronto, and Mississauga, there are plenty of experienced roofing professionals who can ensure your metal roof is installed correctly and securely.


Why Metal Roofing is the Future in Newmarket, Toronto, and Mississauga

Metal roofing isn’t just a trend—it’s the future. With its durability, energy efficiency, and modern look, more homeowners in Newmarket, Toronto, and Mississauga are choosing metal roofs over traditional shingles. By paying attention to details like screw placement, you can ensure your metal roof not only looks great but also performs at its best for decades to come.

Final Thoughts

Knowing where to put screws in a metal roof is a key aspect of a successful installation. Whether you’re tackling the project yourself or hiring a professional, proper screw placement ensures that your roof will withstand the elements and provide long-lasting protection for your home. So, if you’re in Newmarket, Toronto, or Mississauga and considering a metal roof, remember—where you put those screws makes all the difference!

Ready to upgrade your roof with precision and care? Trust DVR Roofing to expertly handle your metal roofing installation, ensuring long-lasting protection and a flawless finish. Contact us today to secure the best roofing services in Newmarket, Toronto, and Mississauga!


Are you looking for professional roofing services? Check out the areas that DVR Roofing serves below:
Newmarket Roofing

Roofing Toronto

Roofing Mississauga