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Residential Roofing Company Scarborough | Top Roofing Toronto Experts

Honest Roofers Who Pay Attention to Roof Leak Repairs—Your Go-To Roofing in Toronto

DVR Roofing is a family-operated roofing company based in Vaughan, Ontario with over 30 years of combined experience. We base our roofing services upon trust. If you have a leak, we’ll tell you honestly whether or not you need a new roof or a minor roof leak repair. As expert craftsmen in roofing services, including roofing Toronto, we pay attention to all of the small details, such as keeping your property neat during and after the job, cleaning your gutters, and using top-quality roofing materials with one of the best warranties available in the industry. Our progressive approach to the roofing industry results in an exceptional roofing experience for our clients and an outstanding finished product that meets or exceeds all expectations. DVR Roofing is proud to be among the preferred roofing companies in the Toronto area!

Longboard Siding Sevices in in Scarborough

From Cedar to Slate, We Offer a Variety of Roofing Types for Roofing Toronto

You owe it to yourself to invest the proper amount of time and attention to your roof. After all, it’s your first line of defense against the elements. Whether you’re interested in the benefits of investing in slate, cedar, fibreglass shingles, or flat roofing, we’re experienced with installing and repairing many roofing materials in the roofing Toronto market. Whenever possible, our roofers are committed to using environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient roofing materials that are long-lasting, local, and low-maintenance to help you protect your investment. You can feel confident in our abilities and roofing material selections thanks to our many years of tried-and-true expertise. We’re also capable of installing Gentek Longboard® siding and soffit to help you save money by not having to hire multiple contractors for your next home improvement project. Longboard® siding makes an excellent regional choice in Southern Ontario because it’s among the most durable siding products available. You won’t be sorry thanks to its weather-resistant qualities.

Residential Roof Installation Specialist in Toronto

Why You Should Choose DVR Roofing for Roofing Toronto

When you entrust DVR Roofing with your new roof installation or roof leak repair in the roofing Toronto market, you’re in good hands. There are many reasons why you should feel comfortable choosing our roofing company for all your commercial and residential roofing Toronto needs in Southern Ontario, including:

  • Reputable Roofers – We’re trusted by thousands of satisfied homeowners in the Greater Toronto Area for our exceptional roofing Toronto services, so we must be doing something right. Check out our gallery to view past examples of our superior workmanship. Ensuring you have a quality roof over your head is always our number one priority!
  • Excellent Value – We’re renowned for our superb value: you can eliminate the need for hiring multiple contractors when you choose us. In addition to roofing, our crew is highly skilled in exterior home improvements of every kind. Call on us to inspect and install other roofing elements, including eavestrough, skylights, and more!
  • Honest Inspections – We provide reliable on-site roof inspections and free estimates without ever trying to upsell you. Our motto has always been “quality over quantity.” We pay attention to all the little details of a project but stay on schedule and budget!
  • Emergency Roof Repairs – We offer quick response times on all emergency roof repairs. No matter how well you care for your roof, it will eventually see wear-and-tear from the elements and aging. Let us diagnose your structural or roof leak repair issue, so we can begin working on a resolution right away. Our roof repairs are second-to-none without being top-tier priced!
Roofing Estimate in Toronto

Get a Free Roofing Estimate from Our Toronto Roofing Company

When you’re looking for an industrial, institutional, commercial, or residential roofer, our team of experts is ready to solve all of your roofing problems!

Contact DVR Roofing to request a free roofing estimate today. Whether you need a new roof installation or an urgent roof leak repair, we’re ready to help!

Hear From Our Satisfied Customers

DVR Roofing

Serving the Greater Toronto Metropolitan Area:

North York
Richmond Hill


Hours of Operation:

Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM